Joseph Codling

"Touch is far more essential than our other senses.
It's ten times stronger than verbal or emotional contact."

Saul Schanberg


Body and Energy Work

Sometimes in life you realize the path you are on isn't right for you. For me that realization led to following the call to assist others with their healing journeys as I follow my own. I am current training as a Therapeutic Bodywork Practitioner at NITE in Mt Pleasant, MI and am a Certified Reiki Practitioner. I believe strongly in the power of therapeutic touch to allow our bodies to heal and our systems to calm. I am honored to provide my clients with an opportunity to receive compassionate, kind touch from a safe, mature male therapist. I believe in working with the body versus struggling against it and will work with you to find just the right pressure and modalities to help bring you back into balance. My modalities currently include Aromatherapy, Reiki, Therapeutic Bodywork, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, and Stretching. I'm an avid reader, kayaker, and meditator. I love being in nature hunting mushrooms and singing, dancing, and drumming around a fire with friends new and old.
